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Quality is all that matters!

The purpose of this page is to emphasize the care and quality of the food that is prepared in my kitchen.


Freshness of all dishes: from starter to dessert, all the ingredients are fresh and none of my dishes have been frozen before sale. This is very important for you to know that you can freeze something you bought from me, unless it is specified you can’t do so.


Quality of the products: I buy my products from quality grocers and markets and when I’m not happy with the quality of one of my provider, I don’t hesitate any minute going somewhere else! I care not only about the general quality but also where the product comes from, if it is seasonal and responsibly sourced.


Nutritional care: In all my recipes, I use the minimum of oil/fat as possible. I hate greasy food! It’s wrong to think it brings more taste!! Also, only extra virgin olive oil and rapeseed oil are used in my preparations, for their nutritious quality.I fry a minimum and steam as much as possible!

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